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21 September, 2024 — 20 October, 2024

THE SHOPHOUSE is pleased to announce DØR TO DOOR, a special edition of the gallery’s annual artist residency, and resident artists Yu Shuk Pui Bobby and Chen Jinbin.

Inaugurated in 2021, THE SHOPHOUSE’s annual residency program has featured a diverse roster of artists including Dony Cheng Hung, Tang Kwong San, Szelit Cheung, and Olga Grotova among others. This year’s residency program is developed as a cultural exchange between artists based in Hong Kong and Oslo and aims to encourage artistic exchange and knowledge production.

DØR TO DOOR is a tripartite conversation between artists, audience, and space. During the residency, the artists are provided with a studio space and time to research their project visions. Each artist occupies a designated floor space, where they will create unique works in response to their surroundings. Both a door and a work of art functions as an entrance—to a building or the mind of an artist. The residency aims to facilitate active observations and meaningful dialogue within the community, while connecting artists to the local audiences, organizations, and practitioners of diverse disciplines and backgrounds.

An exhibition will take place after the open studio as a celebration and showcase of the on-site works created by the artists.

THE SHOPHOUSE欣然宣佈畫廊本年度藝術家駐場項目「DØR TO DOOR」及駐場藝術家余淑培(Yu Shuk Pui Bobby)與陳錦彬(Chen Jinbin)。

THE SHOPHOUSE年度藝術家駐場項目於2021年啟動,曾邀請多位來自不同背景的藝術家參與並展覽,包括鄭虹、鄧廣燊、張施烈、Olga Grotova等。本年度駐場項目將專注於香港和奧斯陸兩地間的文化流動,旨在推進藝術交流與知識生產。

「DØR TO DOOR」是藝術家、觀者及空間之間的三方對話。在駐場期間,畫廊為藝術家提供工作室空間及時間,以深度研究和構思他們的項目。每位藝術家都會使用不同樓層,並在此創作特定作品以回應環境空間。門與藝術品分別是建築物或藝術家思想的入口,駐場項目旨在連結藝術家與社群、來自不同背景的機構及人士,一同進行觀察,並產生啟發靈感的對話。
